Join Save Green to Save Environment
We are working for the last 3 decades for the protection of the environment, the rights of the people to clean and fresh water and air.
Jangid Steel Turning is committed to fulfilling the constitutional obligation of protecting the environment; coasts, forests, wildlife, wetlands, and rivers. We believe that all sections of society need to be sensitized to the need to protect and conserve our natural wealth and resources.
We believe that our planet is entrusted to us for care-taking, to be used sustainably and handed over to the next generation with all its glory and values intact. We need to make people aware that they have a stake in the world around them.
They must be educated so that they can then make informed decisions. We believe that if we create informed awareness, people will be able to take a stand on issues that could impact them in the short term and in the long run.
The natural wealth and resources are a treasure to be handed over to the next generations. Sense of personal and collective responsibility needs to be inculcated in the Indian mindset. Mankind’s responsibility towards the conservation of wildlife and forests cannot be undermined or forgotten.